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Money Plant Vastu: Harnessing Prosperity and Positive Energy at Home

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Money plants, with their lush heart-shaped leaves, are a beloved addition to homes across India. Beyond their ornamental charm, these plants offer health benefits and are even considered natural air purifiers. In addition to these qualities, money plants, according to Vastu principles, have the power to attract positive energy, luck, wealth, and prosperity, making them a popular choice as indoor plants.

Money Plant Placement According to Vastu

1. South-East Corner of the Living Room: Placing a money plant in the south-east corner of your living room is believed to attract luck and prosperity. This direction is ruled by both planet Venus and Lord Ganesha, symbolizing wealth and luck, respectively. Proper placement is crucial for the plant to have a positive impact on your life. You can also place the money plant in an aquarium located in the southeast corner of the room.

2. North-Facing House Entrance: If your house faces north, consider placing the money plant at the entrance. According to Vastu principles, this arrangement can attract new career opportunities and additional sources of income for your family.

3. Bedroom Placement: In the bedroom, position the money plant on either the left or right side of the bed, but ensure it's away from the footrest or headrest. Proper direction as per Vastu guidelines is important.

4. Avoid East-West Placement: Never place a money plant in the east-west direction of your house or room. Doing so could lead to financial problems, arguments, and discord between married couples.

5. Corners of the Room: According to Vastu, sharp corners in a room can generate anxiety and negativity. To counteract this, place money plants in room corners, which can help minimize stress at home.

6. Bathroom Placement: Money plants can thrive in humid environments like bathrooms. As per Vastu, keeping a money plant in the bathroom is acceptable, provided the bathroom receives sufficient indirect or direct sunlight. Position the plant in the southeast direction near a window.

7. Near Electronics and Gadgets: Money plants have the ability to absorb radiation, making them suitable for placement near electronic devices like televisions, computers, or Wi-Fi routers.

Note: Money plants, as per Vastu, should always be kept indoors and not in the garden area.

Benefits of Money Plants

Money plants offer numerous benefits, making them a valuable addition to your home:

1. Promotes Positivity: Money plants are considered lucky houseplants and can bring good luck and prosperity, especially when placed in the southeast corner, promoting peace and a healthy environment.

2. Air Purification: Money plants are known to purify the air by removing airborne pollutants like carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene, allowing for easier breathing and better indoor air quality.

3. Stress Reduction: These plants can energize and reduce stress levels, creating a positive atmosphere and reducing sleep disorders, anxiety, and conflicts.

4. Good Health: Placing a money plant near electronic gadgets like Wi-Fi routers may help protect against health issues, particularly for children and older family members.

5. Clean Aquariums: Money plants can be grown in aquariums, where they help keep the water free from harmful nitrates, benefiting aquatic life.

6. Strengthening Relationships: The heart-shaped leaves of money plants are believed to attract love, laughter, and happiness, helping to heal broken relationships and strengthen family ties while preventing marital problems.

7. Tackles Sick Building Syndrome: Money plants are known to absorb negative energies and help neutralize symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome.

Types of Money Plants

There are various types of money plants, each with its own significance in Vastu and Feng Shui:

  • Money Tree (Pachira aquatica): Known for its braided stems symbolizing interconnectedness and longevity. It is believed to represent new beginnings and the five elements.

  • Golden Pothos: Popular for framing wealth centers in houses, they are easy to maintain and require indirect light.

  • Jade Plant: Slow and steady growth symbolizes a steady accumulation of wealth. Its leaves resemble jade stones, which are considered lucky.

  • Pilea Peperomioides: A low-maintenance houseplant with round, glossy leaves that resemble coins, symbolizing wealth.

  • Swiss Cheese Plant: Representing growth, upward energy, and abundance, they belong to the Monstera genus.

  • Silver Satin: Believed to eliminate negative energy and promote positive Chi energy in the house.

  • Silver Dollar Vine: Known for bringing wealth and prosperity into the house.

  • Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana): Despite its name, it's not bamboo. It's believed to bring prosperity and good luck.

Growing Money Plants Indoors: Vastu Tips

Here are some Vastu guidelines for growing money plants indoors:

  • Money plants thrive indoors and should not be kept outside the house.
  • Plant them in a bottle or jar. If you choose to keep them outside, ensure they are shielded from direct sunlight and placed in a shaded area.
  • According to Vastu, a healthier money plant with lush foliage is more likely to bring wealth into your home.
  • Plant money plants along the boundary of your house or the border of your flat to encourage positive energy flow.
  • Ensure the place you choose for your money plant is well-ventilated and receives partial shade.

Money Plant Vastu: Dos and Don'ts

To maximize the benefits of your money plant, adhere to these Vastu dos and don'ts:


  • Grow your money plant upwards using a plant pole, moss stick, or bamboo for support.
  • Trim the plant regularly to maintain its healthy appearance.
  • Keep your money plant indoors as per Vastu for optimal results.
  • Prune your money plant yourself, as allowing others to do it may signify giving away your wealth.
  • Use green or blue vases to grow money plants, as these colors invite more wealth and positive energy.
  • Mist the plants frequently if kept in an air-conditioned room to prevent them from becoming too dry.
  • Use tap water instead of water with high chlorine or fluoride content.
  • Ensure dried or yellow leaves are promptly removed, as they symbolize misfortune.


  • Avoid placing your money plant near red-colored items or surfaces, as it may draw bad luck or negative energies.
  • Refrain from keeping your money plant near kitchen utilities or red-painted surfaces to preserve its positive energy.
  • Steer clear of placing your money plant outdoors, as it should be grown indoors according to Vastu principles.
  • Do not let the leaves touch the ground, as per Vastu; this can be considered inauspicious.
  • Do not give your money plant to others, as it may annoy planet Venus, which bestows prosperity.

Taking Money Plants from Others

While there is a belief that stealing a money plant from someone else's house and planting it in your own brings happiness and prosperity, Vastu Shastra does not recommend this practice. Instead, it's advisable to purchase a money plant and keep it in your home, following Vastu rules.

Number of Money Plants to Keep

According to Vastu, there is no specific limit on the number of money plants